Menopause Specialist Coaching Training

More than 1 million women in the United States experience menopause each year. Many of these women will find their strategies to lose weight and maintain fitness no longer work. In this training, you will learn the science behind some of the most bothersome menopause symptoms and how to use scientifically backed coaching strategies and lifestyle changes to minimize weight gain, sustain bone density, manage mood, and more.

By completing this course, you can tap into a potential market that has 47 million entrants each year. This presents a significant opportunity to expand your coaching practice and make a real impact!

Approved for 8 NBHWC CEC’S (CEA000465-1)

Course Objectives:

  • Identify the stages of menopause and the hormones that are involved

  • 2. Describe the various changes that occur during menopause and long-term effect of these changes

  • 3. Utilize lifestyle strategies to balance hormones and reduce menopausal symptoms

  • 4. Leverage scientifically backed health coaching methodologies

  • 5. Confidently construct a group menopause program and market it to health care professionals

Cost $279.00

Next Training: Saturday, January 25, 10-6:30 pm EST.

*Space is limited

Contact for more information

Jennifer's expertise is evident in the area of menopause. This training was not only eye opening for myself, but is also something that I can use right away to help others going through the same period of life as I am. She covered everything from the back history of menopause to how to put together a group program and how to pitch it in community spaces. I came knowing a bit, but left feeling confident and curious to learn more! I highly recommend this workshop to anyone working in the health coaching world!